A savings of 200,000+ Euro.
The customer has a daily trailer to the UK, with various delivery addresses.
The current freight forwarder indicated that due to the different delivery addresses, each pallet had to be cleared in and out separately.
Media -
Saving -
A savings of 200,000+ Euro.
The current freight forwarder had asked its customs department to come up with a plan for the customer.
The customer had doubts and contacted Explect for advice and to refute the plan.
After several meetings and explanations about the procedure, the current freight forwarder admitted that what they claimed was not correct.

Delivery to a non-existent location
For a charity, goods had to be delivered in a refugee camp in Kenya, but this camp was not on any map and was unknown.
After good consultation, coordination with the agent and permission from the government, the goods were able to be delivered.
Charity -
Receiving goods -
Sea freight – Customs
Shipment delivered
Despite the many challenges, it was possible to deliver the goods together with the customer. The non-existent location on the map was still accessible.

Saving costs & shortening transit.
A supplier of high-quality tablets needed to find a way to reduce transit time to less than the standard 60 to 70 days without having to fly.
The tablets from China eventually had to go to a warehouse in Miami. Explect has created a new route from China to LA and then by truck/train to Miami.
Wholesale -
Saving costs and reducing transit time -
Sea freight - Rail - Road transport - Crosstrade
The right balance has been achieved.
The goal has been achieved: costs and transit time were reduced from a transit time of 60-70 days to 40-50 days at 1/5 of the cost.

Read Customer Experiences Just Like Yours
Promotional material on time for concert.
During Corona, there was suddenly a moment when a large concert could take place. The organization in question wanted to give an extra thank you to the fans.
With urgency and precision, 10,000 teddy bears had to come to the Netherlands. The organization works very precisely and that seamlessly matches with Explect.
Recreation and entertainment -
To fly on time. -
Air freight
Teddy arrived on time.
The goal was achieved, Explect coordinated with the manufacturer and made sure that the shipment was flown at the right time and arrived on time.

Beurs & The Whitehouse United States
Multiple trade shows had to be visited, and as the icing on the cake, the goods had to be exhibited at The Whitehouse in the United States.
The 3D printed products had to travel from LA to Las Vegas to New York and finally to Washington D.C. before all returning to the Netherlands.
Trade show -
Display products at trade shows -
Air freight, road transport, customs
Temporary import and export and transport
The goods were intended to temporarily stay in the United States, for which we had to arrange temporary import and export procedures. Additionally, the goods had to travel throughout America without any damages.
There was also an important exhibition at the White House, which is why we also had the goods boxed in reusable crates for the customer.

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